Genesis 1

“In the beginning, God…” The Bible doesn’t begin with an apologetic for God’s existence. Instead, it assumes that rational beings naturally accept the divine presence of God. This perspective stems from a fundamental choice: whether we are products of improbable evolutionary events or the result of intentional divine creation.

Making a reasonable decision between the two does not require great intellect. You don’t need an I.Q. of 150 or a graduate degree from an Ivy League university to make the correct choice. The Bible teaches that wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord, whereas anyone concluding there is no God is an arrogant fool.

There are thousands of pages of scholarly work providing an intellectual rationale for believing in God. However, in this article, I want to offer three simple, logical reasons why I believe Genesis 1:1 is true.

The Evidence of Creation

The first is the evidence of creation. The Psalmist wrote, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge” (Psalm 19:1-2).

The complexity of the universe implies an omniscient, omnipotent Creator. Consider Mount Rushmore: its crafted faces clearly indicate intention and design, not random natural processes. No one stands at the mountain’s base wondering if millions of years of weather conditions gradually fashioned those incredible resemblances of past leaders. Such a suggestion would be absurd! A designer and a sculptor of the faces on the mountain are simply assumed.

What is more complex, a stone face or a living, breathing, eating, running, reproducing human? So, how can anyone look at a horse, a tree, or especially a newborn baby and conclude it was formed through accidental processes rather than a deliberate creation?

Romans 1:20 emphasizes that God’s nature is evident throughout creation, leaving no room for doubt about His existence. “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.”

It Is Instinctive for Humans to Believe in a Higher Power

Additionally, I believe in God because it is instinctive for humans to believe in a higher power. A few years ago, Time magazine published a feature article titled “The God Gene,” acknowledging that people in every culture instinctively worship. The Biblical explanation for that is because we are made in God’s image, designed from birth to have fellowship with him.

C.S. Lewis once pointed out that for every human instinct, there is a fulfillment. We thirst; there is water. We get hungry; there is food. We crave love; there is companionship and marriage. We instinctively seek God because there is a God who created us with an inner longing for him. The Bible tells us God’s laws are written on our hearts.

The Testimony of Jesus Christ

A third reason I believe in God is because of the testimony of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “’Haven’t you read,’ he replied, ‘that at the beginning the Creator “made them male and female,”’”

When atheists mock the existence of God, they are claiming to be smarter than Jesus. Yet, they cannot match Jesus’ incredible teaching, undeniable miracles, perfect character, genuine compassion, and His unprecedented resurrection from the grave. They would be wise to put their trust in Christ, who declared, “If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen God.” It is so simple even a child can understand it, and only an arrogant fool would reject it.