Washington D.C. is noted for memorials. The Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the World War II memorial, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier all exist to deliberately stir our memory.

I think the most impressive memorial in Washington D.C. is the Vietnam memorial.  What makes it so unique is its list of thousands of names etched on that massive wall.  Every soldier who gave his life in Vietnam is listed on that wall.  It’s very common to see loved ones standing there touching a name and weeping or tracing a name with a pencil on a blank piece of paper.  They remember; and they are moved to tears.

Those memorials are intentional reminders to us–our ancestors are speaking to us from the past saying, “Don’t forget this president who served us well.”  “Don’t forget our soldiers who died for our freedom.”  “Remember their sacrifice and be thankful.”

When Jesus knew He was going to die in a matter of hours He established a memorial for our benefit.  He took the unleavened bread that was always a part of the Passover meal and said, “This is My body.”  Then He took the cup of wine and said, “This is My blood poured out for you for the forgiveness of sins.”

The Lord’s Supper is by far the most significant memorial ever established.  It is so symbolic:The unleavened bread stands for the sinless life of Jesus.  The grape juice reminds us of Jesus’ blood that was poured out for the remission of our sins.  Bread is made by the crushing of wheat; wine is made by the crushing of grapes reminding us that Jesus was crushed for us so that we could be free from guilt and death.

The Lord’s Supper is so memorable because it involves all five of the human senses.  We see it, touch it, taste it smell it, hear it and it leaves a lasting impression on us.

It’s simple.  It doesn’t cost thousands of dollars to create or involve an elaborate ceremony reserved for an elite few.  It can be instituted inexpensively and easily by anyone.

It’s portable.  You don’t have to travel to Jerusalem to see it.  You can participate anywhere.  Church elders take little portable communion kits into nursing homes and hospitals to share communion with the sick and shut-in.  Astronaut Buzz Aldrin took communion on the moon.  He was an elder in a church in Texas and his faith was so important to him that before he exited the spacecraft he took communion remembering Christ died for him.

I recently spent a week touring the Holy Land.  It was a thrill to visit places where Jesus stood in the flesh.  One spot that was disappointing, however, was the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.  That church is erected over the spot where it is supposed that Christ was crucified and raised from the dead.

It was a disturbing place to me.  Guards were stationed outside because the monks from various backgrounds get into fisticuffs over who has the right to this territory.  Inside people were kissing a rock on the floor that supposedly was the place Christ was buried, others were standing in line to climb a stairway to the place where it’s suggested is the very spot where Christ was crucified.

There were numerous places in Israel where I was thrilled to walk where Jesus walked but somehow I didn’t feel any closer to God in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.  In fact I doubted the Lord would be pleased that men had turned that spot into a shrine…almost an idol.

Then it hit me; Jesus knew in advance what men would do.  He knew it’s human nature to exploit even sacred events.  So when the Lord wanted us to remember His death He didn’t instruct us to take a pilgrimage to the spot where He was crucified.  He took a piece of bread and a spot of juice and said, “Do this in remembrance of Me.”  That means I can be just as close to him in a humble worship service in Louisville, Kentucky as I can in a famous church in old Jerusalem.

Communion is the most effective memorial ever created.  That’s the wisdom of God and the power of God.  “This do in remembrance of Me.”


** If you are enjoying this study through the book of Matthew with Bob Russell, be sure to check out Bob’s “Falling In Love With Jesus Again” Bible Study DVD and resources for your small group or church.