On Wednesday professional golfers Ted Schulz and Kenny Perry try to help a squirrel who had his head caught in a yogurt cup.  The two golfers were playing a practice round in preparation for an upcoming Seniors tournament in Tampa, Florida when they came across a squirrel that had caught it’s head in a yogurt cup and couldn’t get out. He was wandering around helpless and confused. This video shows Kenny Perry’s caddie, Freddie Sanders, who felt sorry for the squirrel, caught it and freed it. The squirrel instinctively tried to run from him and nearly attacked Freddie once released. This video is humorous in a way but also symbolizes our reaction to God’s pursuit of us. The squirrel desperately needed help but was terrified of the one who was trying to free it. Sometimes when we are blinded and disoriented by sin the Lord pursues us to liberate us. However, instead of welcoming His help we resist Him – even attack Him for fear He is going to harm us. But in reality His intent is to restore us to life so that we can experience His “good, pleasing and perfect” will. (Romans 12:2)

(Video used by permission from Ted Schulz)