Following the Civil War, our forefathers established Memorial Day to ensure that future generations would never forget the high cost of America’s unity and freedom.  Memorial Day was intended to be a day for the entire nation to solemnly reflect on the ultimate sacrifice that had been paid by over 620,000 soldiers who lost their lives in what remains, by far, the deadliest military conflict in American history.  Reflect on this…over a half-million died in the American Civil War.  In 1860 the total population in the U.S was less than 32 million people!

In the 20th Century, Memorial Day was extended to honor all Americans who died while in military service, a total that now exceeds 1.3 million.  It was sometimes called Decoration Day because family and friends went to cemeteries and laid flowers on the graves of loved ones who had fallen in battle.

The years have slowly eroded the original intent of Memorial Day, and now it is noted more for a famous automobile race or the holiday that signifies the beginning of summer.  Little attention, if any, is given to the memory of soldiers who have paid the supreme price.  No wonder when Rolling Stone Magazine polled its readers on the question, “Is there anything that would motivate you to die for your country?” around 40 percent said, “No.”  We’re ignorant of our heritage and oblivious to what our nation was intended to be.

Since patriotism has become passé in America and since some Seminary professors have expressed understandable concern about the mixing of Christianity and Americanism (“God isn’t up in heaven wrapped in an American flag!”), many young preachers hesitate to say anything at all about our country.  Besides, it seems somewhat morose to pay tribute to the dead when we want worship services to be energetic and joyful experiences for the living.

Others question if by honoring fallen soldiers, we are glamorizing war.  After all, we’ve been taught in recent years that America was the aggressor in some of our past conflicts, and we unjustly killed innocent people.  Consequently, many cutting-edge church leaders just let Memorial Day weekend slide by or give it quick lip service to appease the older folks and then move on with the normal programming.

I think those of us who follow Jesus Christ would do well to find ways to soberly reflect on the original intent of Memorial Day.  It may mean visiting a military cemetery, mentioning it in a mealtime prayer, playing patriotic music, or viewing a wartime documentary with your family.  Find creative ways to focus attention, at least for a moment, on the high price that has been paid for our freedom.

By doing so, we are rightfully paying “honor to whom honor is due.”  (See Romans 13:7.)    My Uncle Joe was killed in World War II.  He was not quite 30 years old when he sacrificed his life to preserve the liberty I enjoy daily.  His sacrifice merits my respect and my commemoration.  From the Civil War to Afghanistan, there have been thousands of others who deserve our remembrance at least one day a year.  One of the founders of the Christian Restoration Movement, Thomas Campbell, once said, ‘The patriot’s blood is the seed of freedom’s tree.”

By observing Memorial Day, we’re teaching our children to appreciate their heritage.  Public school students aren’t being taught much about America’s Spiritual heritage or the value of freedom these days.  If that significant part of our history is not taught in Christian homes and churches, it’s not going to be learned.  Ronald Reagan once said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”

Memorial Day also provides an occasion to express thanks to God for the good gift of America.  “Every good and perfect gift is from above” (James 1:17).  America isn’t a perfect country.  But it is a really good gift from God.  In fact, it is an exceptional gift.  We are privileged to live in the most unrestricted, the most prosperous, and the most promising nation in the history of the world.  To fail to acknowledge that on holidays designated for that purpose is gross ingratitude.

“And I’m proud to be an American,
Where at least I know I’m free.
And I won’t forget the men who died,
Who gave that right to me.
And I gladly stand up,
Next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause, there ain’t no doubt I love this land,
God bless the USA.”

   – Lee Greenwood


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