Pastors, tomorrow, encourage your congregations to vote on Tuesday with their Biblical values in mind.

As Americans, we are blessed to have a form of government, a constitutional republic, whereby we, the citizens, hold our representatives accountable and ensure laws and policies are enacted that are in the best interest of our citizens.

Christians are required to be faithful stewards of what has been entrusted to us (see 1 Corinthians 4:2), and we will be held accountable for our management of that responsibility (see Luke 16:10-20) This includes looking out for the societal and cultural interests of our neighbors, our communities, and our nation. And through voting, we are entrusted with influencing those interests, making it a crucial act of stewardship.

Pastors, as the shepherds of God’s flock, you are responsible for guiding them in all matters of life, including their civic involvement and how their faith should inform their stance on those matters. This also includes you preaching about Biblical issues that have arisen within the political sphere.

Throughout Scripture, prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, and others spoke out against injustices and moral failures of their societies, calling upon governing authorities to align with God’s standards of justice and righteousness. While some may seek to intimidate you into silence, you are called to be strong and courageous.

For Kentuckians, I recently wrote about how the two candidates for governor hold contrasting opinions on important Biblical issues. Now, just days before the election, the latest poll shows the Kentucky governor’s race is a dead heat!

So pastors, this Sunday before election day, be strong and courageous when guiding your flocks. Consider the “levels” below of what you might say, but at least say something!

Level One: “Tuesday is election day. Vote.”

Level Two: “Tuesday is election day. Vote for Biblical values.”

Level Three: “Tuesday is election day. Vote for Biblical values. That means vote for pro-life, pro-family, pro-religious freedom, and pro-parental rights.”

Level Four: “Tuesday is election day. Vote for Biblical values. One candidate for governor is a pro-life, pro-traditional family, pro-parental rights, and pro-religious freedom. He merits our support.”

Level Five: “Tuesday is election day. Vote for Biblical values. One candidate for governor (Daniel Cameron) is a pro-life, pro-traditional family, pro-parental rights, and pro-religious freedom. He merits our support. The other candidate (Andy Beshear) endorses abortion with no restrictions, approves of gender reassignment surgery for minors, and shut down churches while keeping abortion clinics and liquor stores open during the 2020 pandemic. Remember, he vetoed a bill that kept boys off girl’s sports teams and even dispatched state police into a Bullitt County church parking lot to record the license numbers of those who dared attend church on Easter Sunday.”

Jesus said we are to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.

Christians are to use our voice to advocate for righteousness, mercy, and justice within our societies.

One way we can do so is by making a positive difference in our culture this Tuesday at the polls.

Above all else, pray. Pray for our nation and our leaders. And remember this: while civic engagement is an important part of stewarding the resources that God has entrusted us, our ultimate hope and authority are not in America or our leaders. Instead, it is in God we trust.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).


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