I taught the Men’s Bible study at Southeast Christian this past Saturday morning. Since the church’s current sermon series is taken from the book of Revelation, I shared ten recent developments that indicate to me we are nearing the return of Jesus Christ to earth.
It’s important to remember that prophecy is deliberately vague; therefore we should avoid dogmatism. The history of the Restoration Movement reveals diverse opinions about eschatology among Christian Church leaders. There is no one prophetic view that we’re absolutely certain is correct. Some interpret almost all prophecy figuratively. Others, like me, believe that most prophecy will be literally fulfilled.
Since the predictions about Jesus’ first coming were sometimes figurative (He would be preceded by Elijah) and sometimes literal (He would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey), extremely specific interpretations about His second coming should be regarded as speculation.
The interpretation of prophecy is an area where we should practice the slogan, “In doctrine unity, in opinion liberty and in all things love.” If you believe all prophecies concerning Israel are fulfilled in the church and the prophecies about Christ’s thousand-year reign on earth simply mean a lengthy period of time, I disagree with you, but you are still my brother or sister in Christ.
All Biblical views have one thing in common, however. Jesus Christ is literally going to return to earth someday. And that’s the ultimate hope of all believers.
Jesus warned us not to set exact dates because, “no one knows the day nor the hour.” The Apostle Paul reminds us, “…the Lord will come like a thief in the night.” But we are also told, “…you are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief” (1 Thess. 5:1-4).
Just as Noah knew he was living in the season of impending judgment but did not know exactly when the flood would come, we can know we are living in the season of the Lord’s return.
Most of the following ideas did not originate with me. Many are taken from Dr. David Reagan’s recent book, Living on Borrowed Time in which he lists dozens of fulfilled prophecies. Following are ten developments that have occurred in my lifetime that suggest to me our blessed hope is drawing near:
1. The rebirth of Israel as a nation on May 14, 1948 The dry bones come to life – (Ezekiel 37:1-14) The withered fig tree blossoms – (Matt. 24:32-34) The trampling of Jerusalem by Gentiles is ended (Luke 21:24) The barren desert blooms – (Ezek. 36:33)
2. The gathering of unbelieving Jewish people to Israel (Ezek. 20:33-37 & 37:21-23) A century ago only 40,000 Jews lived in Palestine. Today nearly six million have come to Israel from all over the world.
3. The invention of computers & satellite technology (Rev. 11:1-11) The whole world watches the resurrection of two witnesses. No one can buy or sell without the mark of the beast.
4. The development of weapons of mass destruction (Rev. 8: 7-12) One third of the world’s population will be wiped out.
5. The global movement toward a one-world government (2 Th. 2:1-14) A man of lawlessness will exalt himself over everything and proclaim himself to be God.
6. The formation of the European Union (Daniel 9:24-27) The ruler who is to come will arise from the same people that leveled Jerusalem in 70 a.d.
7. The world-wide proliferation of evil (Luke 17:24-30) As in the days of Noah there is violence, spiritual indifference and evil imaginations. As in the days of Lot there is rampant homosexuality, family break-down, greed and widespread injustice.
8. Intensifying hostility toward Israel (Zech. 12:1-3) “On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.”
9. The apostasy of the church (2 Tim. 4:1-5) For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.”
10. The escalating number of Muslim extremists (Rev. 9:15-18) While most Muslims are peaceful, it’s estimated that 10% of the two billion followers of Mohammed are militant.
As a child, how did you react when you heard a car drive up and a sibling shout, “Hey, Dad’s home!”? Was that good news or bad news?
Two factors probably influenced your response: First it mattered if you had a kind dad or a mean dad. Secondly, it mattered if you were walking in obedience or disobedience.
I had a good dad and most of the time loved to hear, “Dad’s home!” But one afternoon I broke the front windshield of the family car with a baseball and I hated to hear my brother say, “Dad’s home,” because I knew I was in danger of judgment.”
If you hear, “Jesus is coming,” is it a positive message or a “doom and gloom message”?
If you know the Lord’s grace and you are walking in the light, it’s a message of hope and you can rejoice over the final promise of Revelation, “He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus” (Rev. 22:20).