Labor Day was established in 1887 as a holiday dedicated to the economic achievements of American workers. According to the United States Department of Labor, “It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.”

Even though America is one of the younger nations in the world, it’s by far the most prosperous.  One primary reason is that America’s free enterprise system provided an opportunity for people to harvest the fruit of their labor.

There were two Biblical principles that were implemented in the beginning of this country that explain why we now have a national holiday to honor those who work.

The first is that Legitimate work is a blessing, not a curse.   

Many regard work as a curse.  They think God said to Adam and Eve,  “Because you have sinned you’re going to have to work by the sweat of your brow”.  So, their idea of the good life is not to have to work at all.  They dream of winning the lottery so they can quit their jobs.  Most look forward to retirement when work is over and life is easy.  A few hate work so much they exploit the welfare system or find devious ways to steal from others.

But the Bible teaches that legitimate work is a blessing.  Adam and Eve were given healthy work to do in the Garden of Eden before they sinned. Genesis 2:15 says they were put in the Garden to work it and take care of it.  They worked as gardeners.

When the first couple sinned, God said to Adam, “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life.  It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and ….. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground,” (Genesis 3:17-19)  The curse wasn’t work.  The curse was pulling weeds and digging up thistles and battling crab grass.   Sounds like the curse was yard work!

Legitimate work is a blessing.  Obviously God doesn’t call people to be pornographers, bookies or drug pushers But a legitimate job enhances self esteem, develops character, increases credibility and pleases God.

The Apostle Paul wrote, “…we gave you this rule: “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.  “We hear that some among you are idle. They are not busy; they are busybodies. Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the bread they eat.” (2 Thessalonians 10-12)

The Bible teaches that those who aren’t able to work should be helped but those who can work and don’t shouldn’t be given anything.  It is God’s will that every able-bodied person find meaningful work to do.

The second Biblical principle that blessed America was that a healthy profit is honorable and not sinful.

In the parable of the talents Jesus commended the servants who worked hard and doubled their investment.  And He chastised the one talent man for being so lazy and wicked that he did nothing with what had been entrusted to him.

A reasonable profit is honorable and desirable.  When there’s a possibility to make a profit you are motivated to do your best to provide a better life for you and your family.  When you make a sizeable profit, you probably will employ others and pay increased taxes.  When you make a profit you have the opportunity to be generous to God’s kingdom and help those in need.

For over 200 years this country prospered as a capitalistic society.  When I was in grade school we read Horatio Alger stories about poor people becoming wealthy in America. Ambition and creativity were praised as important virtues.

However, in recent years there has been an assault on the profit motive. We frequently hear snide comments about the evil rich and corrupt corporations as though they are the primary enemies of America.  Admittedly, the free enterprise system has been horribly abused at times.  That’s not surprising since the Bible warns, ‘The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil”.

In an overreaction to greedy abuses, some have developed such a disdain for the free enterprise system that there is now an orchestrated attempt to move the country away from capitalism toward socialism.  Some politicians are convinced that if the government controlled everything and profits were divided up equally, everyone would be better off.

But socialism disregards the sinful nature of man. It encourages workers to give a minimum effort since there is little opportunity for workers to accumulate.  Socialism rewards sloth and, understandably, has been a dismal failure in every major country where it has been tried.  Cuba and the former USSR are prime examples.  Some might suggest China is an exception, but communist China has gradually moved toward capitalism simply because the Chinese have learned that their country is more likely to prosper if they allow some free market into the system,

This is not to say that the free enterprise system is ordained by God as the only appropriate financial system.  But it has provided an effective vehicle for unprecedented prosperity. It has been used of God to send goods and missionaries all over world.  It has enabled the United States to lead the world in benevolent relief to nations where disaster strikes.

Oprah Winfrey worked hard and rose from dirt-poor beginnings to become the queen of television talk shows.   Today she’s worth nearly three billion dollars and is still working to increase her net worth.  Her companies employ thousands and she reportedly gives away millions to charity each year.   Good for her!  Oprah’s story is not to be envied or despised but admired and emulated.  Although I don’t endorse her spiritual views, I admire her work ethic.

America still provides an opportunity for anyone willing to work hard to improve their station in life.  That’s why it’s appropriate to have a holiday called “Labor Day”.   Solomon wrote, “A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see, is from the hand of God,” (Eccl 2:24)