Chapman, my youngest grandson, is a little different than the others. Please don’t misunderstand; all seven of my grandchildren are very special to me. But Chapman, just five years old, seems to have a unique sensitivity to spiritual matters. When he prays it’s not usually a one or two sentence memorized prayer. He may go on for five minutes just pouring out his heart to God as though he were his closest friend.

Bob with youngest grandchild Chapman

Bob with youngest grandchild Chapman


Chapman, named after my dad who was affectionately nicknamed “Chap,” is completely transparent and unashamed of his love for the Lord. When riding with family in the car, he will occasionally challenge everyone, “Raise your hand if you love Jesus!” “Raise your hand if you hate the devil!” He commented to me the other day just out of the blue, “The devil is dumb, Pop.” Knowing the Bible states that Satan is “crafty,” I inserted, “Well, Satan’s not dumb but he is evil.” “Yeah, Satan is really evil!” he concurred.

I know many things happen over the years to shape a child’s future but if Chapman doesn’t become a preacher someday I confess that I’ll be somewhat disappointed.

Last Sunday evening we watched the first segment of the series, The Bible, on the History channel. It was really well done and Chapman sat beside me on the couch just enthralled. He knew most of the stories but asked one question after another as they unfolded before his eyes, probably a little different than he imagined.

When the Israelite slaves were fleeing Egypt, Chapman was glued to the television screen. When they got trapped at the Red Sea and the Egyptian army was in hot pursuit he was concerned and a little tense. They were stymied with no place to go. But suddenly, as Moses lifted his rod, the power of God fell and the deep waters dramatically began to part. At that moment the relieved Chapman sighed, “I love God!”chap 1

I smiled at his uninhibited celebration and then tears welled up in my eyes as I prayed, “Oh, Lord, forgive me for being so familiar with the story that I lose the wonder. Help me to see the gospel again through the excited eyes of a little child.”

What a fantastic demonstration of God’s awesome power. He miraculously parted the Red Sea! The Israelites passed through on dry ground with a wall of water on each side! The pursuing Egyptian army that was determined to return them to slavery was drowned in the Sea and the Hebrew children were free to march to the land of promise.

What a remarkable event! What a dramatic illustration of God’s life-changing power in our lives. We were enslaved by sin and hopelessly trapped by our past. But the Lord Jesus led us out of bondage, through the waters of baptism and now we are freed from the bondage of sin. Our past has been washed away by the blood of Christ and we are marching to an eternal Promise Land.

Chapman Russell

Chapman Russell

May we never lose the wonder of that truth. May we see the thrill of it again through the eyes of a little child. May we love God for having first loved us. Maybe that’s why Jesus insisted, “Unless you humble yourselves and become as a little child, you cannot enter the kingdom of God.”