
Do you remember those old TV shows where visitors arrived at an estate of unimaginable wealth? There was often a guard at the gate, a gardener working in the yard, and a chauffeur standing by a limousine in the circular driveway. When the visitor rang the doorbell, a butler greeted...
Before any kingdom was established or temple built, God created the family as the foundation of His creation. In the Garden of Eden, the Lord brought Adam and Eve together, declaring, “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become...
One day, a group of Pharisees criticized Jesus because His disciples didn’t follow their traditions. “John’s disciples often fast and pray, and so do the disciples of the Pharisees, but yours go on eating and drinking” (Luke 5:33). The Pharisees had transformed God’s commands into a checklist of man-made rituals....
Heavenly Father, You have instructed us not to be anxious about anything, yet we confess our hearts are uneasy as we await this week’s election results. We’re concerned not only about who our next president will be but also about how our nation will respond once the outcome is known....
What should Christians do when neither presidential candidate aligns with their values? I’ve heard sincere believers say, “I just can’t vote for someone who is blatantly immoral, dishonest, egotistical, and hedonistic. I might just sit this one out or vote third-party to make a statement.” Of course, I wonder which...